KWT Global is proud to share its inaugural Resonance Report, informed by proprietary research, that explores how executive resonance impacts business performance.

We partnered with HarrisX to conduct a survey of C-suite and senior executives across the U.S. to learn more about their perceptions of their own external presence and the role it plays in business success, as well as highlight how communications can establish an enduring executive presence, execute strategy and achieve outcomes.

In concert, we have also launched a new program, KWT xVoice℠, which creates a path to resonance for business leaders through tailored persona mapping, helping them rise to the challenge with strategy, commitment and personality. Through xVoice, we guide executives to establish their executive presence to reach key stakeholders, earn influence and drive business success.

“As the variables of business shift, our KWT xVoice program helps executives confidently navigate the storm, looking beyond distractions to refine their voice, pinpoint their platform and adapt the output in service of business needs while remaining authentic. 

Our process gives executives permission to harness who they are as a guiding principle in their strategy, instilling confidence and equipping them to show up successfully no matter the channel, audience or circumstance.” 

—Dara Cothran, EVP of Global Strategy + Insights