Cracking the Content Code: How Creators Can Uplift Brands 

Insights from Jess Spar, Senior Vice President, Head of Social Media and Influencer Marketing 

TL;DR: In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, brands often struggle to keep up with the scale of content expected from them and the rising costs of influencers. Content creators can provide the solution, offering innovative, cost-effective and platform-specific content essential for content marketing success. Through a specially assembled Creator Collective, KWT empowers brands to effectively scale content, drive engagement and foster authentic connections with consumers. 

In today’s digital landscape, social media doesn’t just reflect cultural trends — it drives them. This makes it essential for content marketing strategies to stand out; however, the traditional models of content creation are becoming increasingly unsustainable. 

Production costs, particularly for video, have skyrocketed, and the volume of content expected from brands is ballooning. Scaling content effectively is becoming a formidable challenge.  

This is precisely where creators step in, offering innovative solutions to crack the content code by generating engaging, cost-effective and platform-specific content.  


But what about influencers? 

The distinction between creators and influencers lies in their content. Creators are primarily focused on producing original content and are often skilled in specific areas such as writing, photography, videography or graphic design. They’re akin to artists of the digital world, driven by their passion for crafting compelling stories, educational content and engaging visuals.  

Influencers, on the other hand, typically amass their following through their lifestyle, opinions or expertise in a particular niche. While influencers may also create content, their main asset is their ability to sway audience views and purchasing decisions. Because their impact is tied more to their influence than the content they produce, costs can often be significantly higher.  

Therefore, when specifically looking to solve the content cost and scale conundrum, creators are often the best collaborators. 


Creators and the content ecosystem 

Creators are the backbone of the content ecosystem, bringing fresh perspectives that deeply resonate with their audiences. They create authentic content for specific (and often niche) audiences that broader influencers may not be able to tap into. 

Creator content often transcends basic product placements, developing deeper narratives that integrate products or services into a broader context aligned with the creator's expertise and audience interests. This approach not only elevates brand perception, but it also fosters a deeper connection with audiences who seek out authenticity.  

The numbers don’t lie: 

  • 39% of consumers are watching more creator-produced content than they were a year ago, compared to 22% watching more studio-produced content (Think with Google

  • People are purchasing from creator content: 100% of respondents to a survey by The Bazaar Voice said they have purchased products based on a creator’s recommendations 

  • Creators can share the UGC-style content that customers trust and respond to: 93% of customers believe UGC is helpful when making a purchasing decision Everyone Social) and 86% are more likely to trust a brand that publishes user-generated content (The Drum


KWT’s Creator Collective: A choice solution for brands 

In response to this growing need for content creators, KWT Global has assembled our very own Creator Collective, a dynamic group of social-first creators ready to support quick-turn content needs in a variety of markets.  

By tapping into a diverse pool of creators, the Creator Collective ensures that brands can find the perfect match for their specific content needs, guaranteeing not only aesthetic alignment, but also authentic storytelling that resonates with target audiences. Our Creator Collective benefits include: 

  • Cost-effective rates for developing assets 

  • High-quality, compelling content without the technical nuances of traditional influencers 

  • Dynamic asset delivery without sacrificing depth of storytelling 

  • Ability to support or complement larger brand storytelling, produced content or campaigns 

  • Delivery of timely, trend-driven content on accelerated timelines, as needed 

  • Producing a bank of social-first, brand-aligned content for full marketing use 


The Creator Collective in action 

We’ve garnered significant success for clients, working across multiple industries to help fill content gaps and better connect with audiences: 

“Creator content is a consistent top performer for Laurel Road, a digital banking platform that largely caters to healthcare professionals,” said Kelly Hudson, vice president. “In the first three months of 2024, our team worked with three creators to develop 24 pieces of social content to appeal to Gen Z and Millennial medical providers, leveraging a mix of entertaining and relatable educational posts.”  

  • Paired with a modest budget for paid social amplification, this content drove an average 26% engagement rate. 

“In working with Consumers Energy, Michigan’s largest energy provider, we set out with the goals of generating audience awareness of and education around energy waste reduction while building a bank of usable social assets,” said Natalie Goenaga, director. “Over the course of three months, we leveraged hyper-local Michigan creators (some of which were Consumers Energy customers) to create edu-tainment style content around energy saving tips and solutions.” 

  • We were able to generate over 50 pieces of content across Instagram and YouTube for the brand’s use while garnering 303,000 organic impressions and an average Instagram in-feed engagement rate of >4% (above industry standard), all from the creators’ channels alone. 

“When traditional influencer campaigns weren’t as effective in building awareness and resonance with Motive Health’s target audience as a new consumer brand, we pivoted our strategy by tapping into the Creator Collective,” said Hiam Hafizuddin, account executive. “We collaborated with six content creators whose diverse active lifestyles aligned seamlessly with Motive. By sharing creator content as collaborative posts, we not only expanded reach and awareness but also secured usable assets for Motive to continue positioning itself as a wellness and lifestyle brand.”  

  • Through the first phase of this work, 12 pieces of Instagram content garnered over 1,000 organic engagements, 5,200 impressions and an average engagement rate of over 19%. 

This strategic approach demonstrates our team’s adaptability in addressing unique challenges to ensure the best results — both in short-term and long-term branding efforts. 

Staying competitive with creators 

For brands eager to stay ahead in a competitive market, understanding and leveraging the unique abilities of creators can lead to deeper engagement and sustained success.  

In navigating this shift, initiatives like KWT's Creator Collective prove indispensable. They not only connect brands with top-tier creative talent but also ensure alignment with strategic business objectives, paving the way for inventive and influential brand storytelling. 

To learn more about how we help brands navigate the evolving social media and influencer landscape, click here to explore our services. 



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